Little arguments with myself: Disrupting how we ‘do’ learning Slideshare and Video June 7, 2015June 7, 2015admin Comment I recently gave a talk at the Disruptive Media Learning Lab at Coventry University centred on the debates and the constructs of what [...]
Shameless self-promotion – How do I know any of this was real? February 11, 2013October 21, 2013Peter Bryant Comment I have been working on a variety of radio, podcasting and sound art projects for years under my DJ non-de-plume – DJ Ringfinger. [...]
How do I know that all of this was real? The dark side of being a digital stranger in an online learning environment – Part 2 November 19, 2012October 21, 2013Peter Bryant 5 Introduction In part 1 I started to explore some of the darker aspects of online engagement, particularly the process of disinhibition, which can [...]