Resonant Learning: Designing and delivering learning and teaching as a lifelong experience September 21, 2023November 23, 2023admin 1 As you walk around your city or the cities and towns you visit, you will seeĀ walls and interstitial spaces alive with colour, [...]
Make Education Better: Taking a development approach for yourself, your colleagues or at your institution October 28, 2019October 31, 2019admin Comment Make Education Better is a very simple three-word slogan, yet the intention and the necessity of it has perplexed many academics, institutions and [...]
Re-imagining learning for a post-digital world (part 2) – Introducing Post-Digital Learning Experiences November 27, 2015December 1, 2015admin 1 Introducing post-digital learning experiences So, five months ago, I left you, dear reader, with a challenge; how do we re-imagine learning for [...]